Alotta people were making a big fuss about how this movie motivated them to keep drawing or make them cry and i gotta say, I dont get the hype. By all means its a good movie, the animation is stellar and the story is cool I guess, did it make me feel something? Eehhhhhhh… I mostly came out of this movie with a sense of “thats it? That was pretty lukewarm”. The first part i thought was cool. It really portrayed how it feels to be a young artist. Especially the part where Fujino gets curb stomped in the skill department by Kyomoto who is younger than her. I relate to that so much I have felt that feeling so much over the years. I think that's the only thing i relate to when it comes with fujino, other than that i really related to kyomoto as a socially anxious person who works really slowly although i was never really that skilled at that age.
I think the later half was interesting. its kinda open ended whether the alternate universe is actually real or if its just Fujino imagination trying to cope with the fact that her friend is dead. Honestly i like the interpretation that its just a huge cope. It feels much more relateable to me
Anyways this movie is only really motivational if you abandoned drawing from a young age.
Heretic (2024)
This movie was interesting. A lot of twists that I didn’t really see coming. It was fun experience. On that note I didn’t really find this movie horrific in anyway. maybe if I actually believed in religion or if my family was religious in the past then I would’ve been more moved but honestly the antagonist reminded me of a much more psychopathic version of my dad who knows much more about religion. The rants on how religion is utter dogshit made by people who just want to control other people was very nostalgic to me. It brings me back to a time when I was 8 and would have existential dread spirals bc my dad told me there was nothing after death but I got over that shit years ago so it just didn’t do anything for me. I think the only time I got scared was when the prophet got resurrected and started ranting and when one of the missionaries opened the green door, the tension was palpable with that scene. Anyways uhhhhhhhh it twas good I guess. Also I liked the house. It was nice looking and fed the pit in my stomach thats aching 24/7 for like a couple of seconds.
Down and dirty duck (1974)
It makes me really happy that theres more films that are raunchy and incorporate funny animal cartoons from this era other than fritz the cat or really any movie directed by ralph bakshi (no offence to ralph bakshi of course but its 90 percent just him from this time) anyways the narrative is kinda unfocused most of the time. this is pure distilled slop (complementary). the main guy just wants to FUCK and it gets him in precarious situations. The animation might not be for everyone, but I love how fluid it is. All in all it’s a nice movie. I enjoyed it. also i like the gay bullshit thats happening with the 2 main characters. This wouldve make kid me yearn like crazy just like how lee lemon did back in the day.
Nosferatu (2024)
AAAAAaaaaa this movie was good as hell. I thought that I wouldn’t get through its 2 hours of watch time but my god it went by so fast. So i've watched the original nosferatu (like a year ago now?). The one made in 1922 and my consensus on that one was that its alright? It was probably really innovative back in the day but to my modern eyes spoiled by pictures that the average joe living in 1922 couldnt even imagine it was pretty mediocre. I think this adaptation of nosferatu basically improves on the original in every way. I mean I would be surprised if it didn't.
One thing that I like about this movie is how it kinda frames Orlok and the spooky shit that happens in the beginning. Like you don't really know if what they saw was a dream or if it was reality. you have these supernatural things happening in one scene and then in the next theres a shot of that person waking up. I really like that in the movie. Orlok is half a real figure and half figurative in that sense i think? Or maybe the movie just wants to portray him as this highly manipulative figure that wants you to question your own reality. Idk. I'm rambling a bit.
I think this is something that ive only realised from this movie but I find the comparison between Orlok and the plague (or atleast i think its the plague?) and with him being described as death or something. IDK what i was going with this point. I think it was something to do with how people make art as a reflection or an exaggeration of their own life experiences or something
so uh yeah movie is good. you also see vampire dick.
The haunted world of el superbeasto
I’m not gonna lie, im pretty on the fence about this movie. Theres some parts that i like and some parts that i dont. First off its Raunchy and trying way too hard to be EDGY and ADULT but its just the same type of juvenile rudimentary shit over and over again. I dont know. This kinda humor is just bland to me. Maybe im just a stuck up puritan with a heart as black as coal, maybe its just because my childhood was mostly adult cartoons that were exactly like this and i got sick of it when I was 14. I do not like the women in this movie. Mostly because they have this aura of “The person writing this character was so hard that the blood in his brain went straight to his dick and he forgot how to read, write and make compelling characters”. But do you know what? The fight scenes were good and the slapstick was funny sometimes, and i liked the pathetic horny robot for extremely subjective reasons so i guess the hour that I watched this movie wasn't a waste. Do you know what? Fuck it its a good movie the pathetic robot carries it and im not ashamed to say it is because i thought that his pathetic ness was hot. This movie is powered only by raw hornyness. maybe its a mistake to examine it with any other lens.
Hells carnival/ Hell and back (2015)
For some reason this movie is under the name “Hells carnival” on youtube but if you search that shit on google then you wont get anything. The original name is “Hell and back”
The good parts? I like the art direction of this movie. And I respect the fact that it's stop motion. apart from the kinda generic character designs, Visually Its pretty well made.
The bad parts? the writing is god awful.
The main character is just so obnoxious. Not in a charming way. In the way that teenage boys are obnoxious. So uh maybe consider watching this muted. Or maybe watch this dubbed in another language that you aren't fluent in so you can't understand the dialogue. I don't really know how to describe the writing other than It's insufferable. It insists upon itself. It's the worst of early youtube/newgrounds/adult swim animation humor meshed into one hour long film. also alot of the plot points dont make sense at all. like just the character dynamics in general. like from my understanding the three main guys just do not like eachother. they dont like the shitty portside carnival either. why do they want to save it from bankruptcy? why does the fat short one and the skinny asshole give a fuck about the blonde one when most of the convos that they have are filled with venom and resentment for eachother? it kinda feels like half of the shit that happened is because the plot demanded it.
yeah thats about it. my consensus is that its Kinda mid.
The Wild Robot (2023)
I watched this movie in theaters with a friend. I thought i would be more immersed in it because theaters are just like that. My thoughts is that… pffffff its alright? I liked the vague implications that this was the very far future with (i think?) new york being submerged in water. The animation cool as hell. I really like how the robot moved. I just liked the robot in general and the their relationship between the fox. Ros is just like me (vaguely annoying). All in all i think this movies is objectively good it has good themes n shit but honestly i wasn't really into it. I think the consensus is that i need to stop watching movies catered to kids.
The Feebles (1989)
I respect the amount of effort that they put in with the puppets and the oozes and various simulated liquids. Just the puppets in general I respect. Must have taken them forever to make them. This film is so schlocky and gross and probably not everyone's cup of tea. But it is mine. I fucking loved it. Its parody that becomes so absurd that you just kinda have to laugh. I wish that Jim Henson succeeded in making puppets more mature so more shit like this was produced
Flatland (2007)
Aight im not gonna lie - I watched this movie because of the resurgence of gravity falls, Apparently theres some refrences to the book Flatlands but im not a booknerd so i watched the movie instead. apparently theres 2 versions of Flatland so just to be clear, the one that I watched was The one that's on youtube. Go watch it if you havent already
So animation wise this film is kinda iffy. If i were to take a wild guess, this film was produced independently becasue the graphics look outdated even by mid 2000s standards and I love it so much. The 3D world is so charming, the way that the animators could put so much emotion into flat shapes is impressive. Overall cool as hell.
also the choice to make the shapes in flatlands actually flat (so you can see their organs and shit) is an cool choice because you can see how their body works. Its interesting how circles are revered in the flatlands but have smaller brains compared to other shapes.
The voice actors are kinda hit or miss to be honest but the sphere and the main square are alright. The fact that the guy who voices the square sounds like hes absolutely CREEEEEAMING at the thought of elightement when he get transported out of the flatlands is just top notch
Anyways this is a good as hell movie
Baby Reindeer (2024)
So i just watched baby reindeer because people said that it was good show and people on the internet NEVER lie or have bad opinions. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Anyways i digress
its a pretty heavy show. like 50 percent of the scenes i had to put my hands on my face and audibly groan to get through it. I absolutely hate the stalker mostly because she has like... obsessive tendencies that i have but amped up to 11. its like looking in a fucked up depressing mirror. I need to better myself man holy shit.
the comedy scenes are a slog it felt like getting dragged through gravel facefirst. I had to pause the show and lie on my bed for some of them. thats not to say that these scenes were bad. they had their purpose but like... my god man.
This show made me feel every negative emotion that can be felt. I never wanted to be a comedian in the first place but now if you told me to either be a comedian or jump off a bridge, i would choose the bridge. Anyways even though I just spent this entry just shitting on this show id say its pretty good. I woudn't watch it again, but its good imo.
I saw the TV glow (2024)
10/10 - Im killing myself
Hazbin hotel(2024)
It’s kinda surprising seeing vivziepops stuff get somewhat popular.
I was there in the before times. when all she had uploaded on her
youtube channel was that dancing wolf animation with die young by
ke$ha playing in the background. i kinda dipped off when zoophobia
got into some bad shit (vaguely idk what happened specifically) and
never got back into her work. i think ever since that she’s been
kind of a… controversial figure which i think kinda fuels the
discourse alot more. I'm going to be honest I have seen ALOT of
discourse about this show since it came out. it slithers onto my
twitter fyp because im an avid animation fan and after like seeing
the show outright with a friend im gonna say that theres some things
that people complained about that were understandable and some stuff
that were just nitpicky bullshit.
the animation, compositing, voice acting, literally anything visual
and audio wise is pretty top notch for the most part. You can really
tell that the people working on these fronts worked hard and it paid
off. The music is cool for the most part. I dont like poison. it
isnt a bad song i just cannot stand it for some reason and i feel
bad. the one song with the cat and the spider is pretty catchy and
its a sweet song character wise. like two characters bonding over
how dogshit their lives are? i love that i can see the appeal in the
dynamics between them.
so character design wise theres an overabundance of suits in this
show which isnt a bad thing but theres alot of characters where i
think that the suits are there because the person who designed it
just defaulted to that? Idk how to explain it other than that. Like
Lucifer for example from his introduction scene i think he invents
stuff? which is a cool trait to have but theres nothing in his
design that says that. its just a suit and a top hat. which is kinda
disappointing. But if I’ll say anything about the design I’d say I
respect that they made him look like an angel and made him short.
Another character that falls into that suit overabundance is the
radio demon. Like he has reindeer antlers, microphone and a suit.
Like he has black eyes and that’s kinda creepy? But that’s like
normal bullshit for hell. Where’s the spice? He’s supposed to be
threatening and powerful and different in some way but there’s
nothing conveying that or really anything interesting about his
character design. The snake guy absolutely pulls the suit off though
but I think that’s because there’s other stuff going on with him,
like the eye things on his sides complement him very well. Like I
don’t know, there’s some appeal that the snake guy has that the
radio demon and lucifer just dosen't have.
The snake guys death was funny and i wasnt seeing it coming by a
long shot but im not gonna lie his arc was very unsatisfying. like
he joined the hazbin hotel and then he just kinda floundered until
he died at the end. i dont even know what warranted him to be
redeemed to go into heaven in the first place? idk he's one of the
only characters that makes the suit work but hooooh all that
spice.... WASTED!
to conclude I think this couldve been a good season if it had more
time to breathe (more episodes) for more character development but
what we have right now is a very mixed bag. I appreciate the things
that they made work and it was enjoyable to watch at least.
White zombie (1932)
so i watched white zombie and i guess it was alright the visuals
are alright, the narrative was coherent, the scenes were cool
looking like castle on a cliff and the mansion, bela legosi did that
stare that he does. but other than that uhm yeah that definitely was
a movie.
The term white zombie is kinda weird to me because in more modern
movies zombies are just white because the majority of people
represented in movies are white, like its kinda like saying wet
water. but apparently the term zombies originally came from africa
voodoo n stuff like that. I didnt know that until now. cant believe
zombies have been whitewashed all this time. but now thinking about
it makes sense
I find it interesting how different zombies are in this movie
compared to more modern movies like night of the living dead. In
this movie zombies can be used to harm people but theyre mostly used
for manual labor by "witch doctors" but the main antagonist i think
isnt a witch doctor but i digress. The zombies are more of a plot
device or a physical representation of the fear of being controlled
like the fear at even your eternal rest you can be unwittingly
exploited for your body. Its present in both the side zombies
controlled by the main antagonist being former enemies and the main
love interest being only desired for her looks and nothing else by
that jealous dude that gave her that rose i guess.
Meanwhile zombies in more mainstream media is I think the fear of
"the apocalypse" in some abstract way or the fear of your loved ones
just turning into rabid animals right before your eyes, wanting
nothing more than to kill you shit like that idk im not really into
zombies as a whole. I think theres some thing to say about zombies
as an allegory for consumer in capitalism but im getting bored with
The magician (1926)
So this film is a very interesting one because i rarely watch
anything thats this old like its going to be turning 100 in 2 years
so itll be interesting to see the development of modern films
compared to this one
So i was initially confused when watching this film because
honestly from my standards it reads more like a drama than a horror
film. I mean theres some things that one would find horrifying like
the paralyzing of the main character, the hell hallucination and
stuff like that but its honestly pretty tame? I think this says more
about how modern films are kinda desensitizing us to gore n shit
like that. like a junkie looking for the next high but their
tolerance to substances grows stronger so they need a stronger hit.
I find the option of using a magician as an antagonist rather than
any other magic wielding persona to be kinda weird. like to me
magicians are not only magic users but goofy magic users. magicians
use their magic for whimsy and fun! to brighten a childs day. shit
like that. doing fuckery is for a sorcerer or a warlock. I wonder if
magicians had a more ominous connotation in the early 20th century
and before? or maybe im just making connections where there are
none. maybe these are just growing pains or whatever.
Also the music is familiar! like really familiar like theres this
song that plays at the very end where the magician is killed and the
main character isnt hypnotized anymore and it plays a song that ive
heard so soo much times before. is this the origin of that song? if
so then neat.
Uh was i impressed by this movie? ehh. but i guess thats expected
with the age of this film and all that
The Green knight (2021)
so i watched the green knight awhile back like... in december 2023
and i have some opinions about it. I think its good! I think it
captured a feeling that most fantasy movies dont really capture or
most likely never bother to capture. Its this kind of real life
malaise that feels truthful but also kinda depressing. I also like
how it kinda hammers home how much Gawain dosen't matter and how
much of a loser he is. He fucks up at almost every turn, gets his
shit kicked in metaphorically and literally. but i think those
aspects give way to like... some really really good scenes.
like when Gawain is tied up and ransacked by those bandits and
left to die theres this rotating panning shot (idk what to call it)
where it takes a Very very VERY long time to get do a full 360 but
when it does its Gawain's skeleton covered in moss having starved to
death years, decades, maybe even centuries ago and then it cuts back
to the present where hes struggling n shit to move obviously
motivated by this possible future and like idk i think the timing
and the presentation of that scene was so soo fuckin good man.
Theres also an even better scene nearly at the end thats like this
but on a much bigger scale and hoooh HOOOOOOOH him seeing his life
if he were to refuse his destiny run back and become king and seeing
the horror that comes with that choice its so dread inducing. I also
like how the movie overall was a good deconstruction about the
stereotypical hero's journey and how its mostly just a pantomime but
like whatever im getting bored with writing shit its a good movie
Wednesday (2022)
So A friend recommended that i watch Wednesday. Its about the Adams
family which im vaguely acquainted with. I just know its about a
family that thinks "normal" things are weird and vice versa but i
digress. So i thought "sure why not if its recommend by a friend
then it has to be somewhat good… right?". I was wrong this show is a
dumpsterfire, its just… so much. I'm not really overtly critical in
the media i consume, lord knows everybody loves a good bad
film/series, but i think Wednesday is just mediocre bad to the point
that its kinda frustrating. if I wrote down everything i thought was
bad in the show then this would go on forever so im just gonna write
down whatever i can until i get exhausted
So yannow the werewolf girl thats Wednesday's roommate? her whole
thing that she can't turn into a werewolf? I think her character arc
is really poorly written - or at least could've used more work. So I
think one aspect that i didnt really like is that I think that the
show was trying to juggle more allegory's with her than they can
handle. Like at first it was just a late bloomer allegory but then
they slap you with "werewolf conversion therapy" and then suddenly
its queer? why would werewolf's need conversion therapy for
something that they naturally do? well being gay is natural but not
everyone is gay but every werewolf is expected to turn into their
wolf form eventually (in the show they call is wolfing out which is…
ugh). I feel like there's a cut scene that makes the whole "werewolf
conversion therapy" thing work like maybe somebody saying something
in passing like "werewolves shouldn't change into their wolf form
because they're dangerous and angry at that state how could this be
allowed? we should ship them to a camp so they dont do that shit
anymore blah blah blah" or someshit like that i dunno it just left a
bad taste in my mouth.
if youre gonna put an asexual-esque werewolf into your story then
stick with it because she just changes into her wolf form at the end
of the season and its just wow! that was unsatisfying and now shes
got one less thing going on with her character congrats i guess.
Like there were so much more interesting ways that they couldve gone
with the character but they went with half baking 2 sorta
interesting arcs and not finishing either of them and the end
product just comes off as messy as fuck.
the monster thing that kills people looks so goofy. like its
obvious that its designed by tim burton bc of the eyes, the fact
that theres some paintings of the creature that look significantly
better and more coherent than in the show itself and it probably
wouldve been ok if it wasnt for everything else being
photorealistic. Like im sopposed to be scared of this thing but
everytime it appears onscreen i kind of giggle becasue it looks so
so dumb. the monster looks like he just hopped out of a plants vs
zombies game and you're EXPECTING me to take it seriously? like cmon
man i know its a series directed by tim burton but that dosent mean
that they should shove THAT artstyle in every movie/series hes in.
another thing, this show uses… lingo… Like i have no clue if this
was just a coincidence but they name the people in town that arent
supernatural "normies". Every time they said that word This audio just reverberates at the back of my
also nobody gives a fuck about the love triangle. boy 1 and boy 2
were both so shallow and the romance was just so forced. wednesday
didnt even seem to be into either of them. why was it even there? to
pad out time? because every series about a woman just NEEDS a
romance shoved into it even when it makes the story suck even more?
i dunno
also i heard that they fucked up the adams family characterization
but im not a huge adams fan nerd so thats all i'll say on the topic
of that.
yeah thats about it the series isnt good, i have no clue how it got
so popular. it is utterly sauceless. the only thing that was good is
that they played goo goo muck by the cramps at that prom scene but
everybody on tiktok replaced that song with lady gaga nightcore