this is where i put all of my websites that i have no idea what to do with! i might use them for something in the future i dunno :B

technically I made this 2 times, the first time my computer decided to fuck with me and delete everything for some damn reason, so I remade it and I will be damned if this motherfucker rots in my website folder after all of the pain so here ya go

This thing has no functionality! it just looks cool! it’s mostly inspired by this:


This is my old ass logbook that I made in the start of this website, honestly it looked cool but it was just too... hard to manage? idk making another .html, writing in it and the link it to the navigation page is just too much and I’m a lazy person so in the archives it goes :D


The Logbook

Here is some old iterations of this page! I have a lot of abandoned pages on this site that are just laying in my folders, some of the websites are broken and have images are missing but I’m too lazy to actually fix em:

old index - circa late 2019?

oldest index circa - october 2019

I decided that the old webpage (see the top post) looked kinda awkward so I replaced it with this:

The reason why i replaced this one is becasue the way it was arranged - It always kinda bugged me that it was lopsided and the size was kinda small so i made a new one that was always centered and a lil bigger.

Decided to change the main ~~Thing~~ again, heres what it looked like before