

Heres some stuff that ive been bookmarked that helped me with making this website or just helped me in general

Button Animations Alot of nifty 2D transitions for your buttons/links!
Gradient generator really convenient when you have no idea how to make gradients yourself
CSS cheat sheet Pretty self explanatory
VirusTotal Online virus checker Allota nifty effects for your backgrounds, cursor, text etc! (This background is accually from this website)
Gifcities Alotta old web gifs
The internet Archive website deicated to preserving alot of old/abandoned web stuff, theres alot of cool things on here like magazines, video games etc.
The Wayback machine very very helpful for seeing how websites used to look like or looking at dead/deleted websites,tumblr accounts etc (sometimes they even preserve download links! pretty nifty!)
Digital Transgender archive Some historical records of transgender history
It's Neko 3.0! Put a cat on your page!!!
22,000 Animated gifs A google drive folder of 20,000 animated gifs that gearsphere on tumblr found in a thrift shop
Beepbox 4 Making music
Waifu2x-multi resize images without making it noisy/pixelated
Glitter graphics some graphics
yt-dlp the best youtube video downloader I made a how to guide on how to install and use it
World Cat is there a specific book that you want to get but dont have the money to buy it? type in the book you want and worldcat will search your local librarys to see if they have it in stock!
Claire Hummel's Historical Fashion Reference & Resources Google doc for Refs of historical garments, i got it from this post on tumblr
Some free to use audio From the goverment! or something...
Text Editor I personally use this to make dividers but you can make ascii art with it aswell :D
video game sounds sound effects from various video games
human Pose refs Pose the skeleton and get some art refs
Animal head refs The same thing as above but for only animal heads