Dream #2
This was a strange dream; I think I dreamt it around November 2021 I don’t remember much about it so yeah.
All I remember from this dream was that I was in a school field trip (I was maybe around 10-16 years old?), The place that we were visiting was full of brutalist architecture, I distinctly remember there being a wire fence that I was leaning on at some point with other kids, and that I had an assignment that was due. I don’t remember when it was due, I just remember that the due date was close. For that reason, I was stressed beyond belief and when I mean stressed, I mean STRESSED like heart palpitations stressed which was really fucking weird because I usually don’t FEEL anything when dreaming.
I remember having numerous dreams like this around this time (where the emotions that I was feeling in said dream was heightened) but this is the only dream that I remember atleast somewhat.